A monstrous presence once terrorized the secluded village of Dunwich. The season of horror ended only after three professors from Miskatonic UniversityDr. Henry Armitage, Dr. Francis Morgan, and Professor Warren Priceventured to Dunwich, armed with secret knowledge that enabled them to defeat the creature. Now, several months later, Dr. Armitages colleagues have gone missing, and he fears the worst
Return to the very first cycle of content forArkham Horror LCGwithThe Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion. Similar to the previously-announcedEdge of the Earthexpansions, all player cards for this cycle can be found within theInvestigator Expansion.
Note:Any longtime fans ofArkham Horror: The Card Gamewho already own everything from the originalThe Dunwich Legacycycle will not find any new cards or content within this expansion.
Not a standalone product. A copy of theArkham Horror: The Card Gamecore set is required to play.