Got this feeling, think you and Id make a pretty good team
Youtooz has joined Lucy and David in a Braindance to the moon, sit back and watch the pair share a touching heartfelt moment. Casting aside the astronaut helmets they sit on top of the Moons surface at 4 inches tall and stare into each other’s eyes with their hands almost touching. Lucys cool and mysterious face is framed with a lopsided pastel bob as pink makeup sits around her multicolored eyes while a look of shock crosses Davids face as his brown hair sweeps upwards down the center of his head. With her knees raised to her chest, Lucy wears a grey and white jacket which hangs off her shoulders over a dark pink trimmed Netrunner suit along with matching boots and stockings while David is dressed in his usual yellow jacket over a black shirt as one of his blue trousered legs is kicked forward. The exterior of their packaging sees the pair in the darkness of space floating in front of a hazy Earth, while the interior is a bright yellow with a dark blue cyber pattern and the Edgrerunners logo. The protective sleeve shows Lucy and David sitting atop a building with Night Citys neon skyline in the distance, as their figures can be seen through the large clear window at its front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom-sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.